• Image of Double Headed Siren T-shirt

We're very pleased to be graced with another original Tony Roberts design after his work on our album Narwhal.

Two colour design depicting a double-headed siren on a black Gildan Premium Ringspun t-shirt.

This is what Tony had to say about the inspiration for his design:
"When I was working on Narwhal, toward the end I was inspired by Undersmile’s dual vocals. At the time we were moving in a sort of nautical direction so I thought of a 2 headed and 2 voiced Siren. I thought it was a great image so I carried it around with me. Once I started doing research and digging deeper (too deep sometimes) I found that the sirens were not, as I had visualized, half fish mermaids. Sirens in mythology were said to be part BIRD and part human female. The amount of each varies and I’ll say it’s licensed to artists ;). I think this is actually makes better sense than siren as mermaid…you know….the siren song, the song bird. The story goes that the sirens were cannibals that only lived until a sailor could withstand their lure and pass them by. Heavy."

Check out more of Tony's work at:

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